Set in Chitpur, Kolkata, the narrative revolves around the ancient legacy of the Graddha Mullicks, a lineage believed to go back four hundred years before Christ. One of the noteworthy aspects of the story is the way the author disguises a trace of poignancy in the light narrative style and brings humour even during situations of abject tragedy. One of the finest writers in the history of Malayalam Literature, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer or simply Basheer is more popular for his works like Pathummayude Aadu, Mathilukal and Ntuppuppakkoranendarnnu.īut it is his Balyakalasakhi (Childhood Friend) that has managed to captivate its readers with its simple yet heart-wrenching story of two childhood friends who go on to become lovers till fate decides otherwise.īelieved to be an autobiographical work, the novel showcases love in its truest form-sometimes the one that remains unfulfilled.